We celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day on Tuesday, June 21st. First established as a national holiday in 1996, the day encourages us to honor and celebrate the legacy and culture of the country's Indigenous groups. By no coincidence the unveiling of “Visions of Latin America in Toronto” Mural project by internationally renowned artist INTi.
This is the time for all to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples across the hemisphers. As people from the Southern hemisphere both we share many similarities, our own distinct heritage, language, cultural practices and spiritual beliefs.
For generations, many Indigenous peoples and communities have celebrated their culture and heritage on or near this day due to the significance of the summer solstice as the longest day of the year.
The mural was commissioned by Little Portugal Toronto BIA, in collaboration with the DWOAM and Creativo Arts, produced with support from the City of Toronto, Liuna Local 183, Ironworkers Union and Latin American Solidarity Network of Toronto.
Special thanks to the entire community that came out in support, to the local BIA, Councilor Ana Bailao, MP Marit Stiles, Anabela Taborda Chair of the BIA, Jeff Rogers, President Museum, Tracy Jenkins Jose Nieves & Ortega from the Lula, to the Unions, Latin American Solidarity Networks, to all the Artists that continue to contribute towards the well being of our vibrant community in Little Portugal, Toronto.